Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Bridal Shoot

The bridal shoot is probably one of the most important shoots you can add to your package. Why? For all the planning that goes into your big day, one thing is certain, there will be a hiccup of some sort. Make-up artists will show up late, time lines will slip, florists will go to the wrong church, rain will come, etc. etc. It never hurts to be prepared. And as far as pictures go, the bridal shoot allows us one-on-one time to focus on your bridal portraits which will provide many gorgeous images for your album and your home. EVERY bride who has done the bridal shoot has been extremely happy with the end result and realize these are results that would never have been possible on their actual wedding day.

The bridal shoot typically lasts about 1.5 to 2 hours and is shot on location whenever possible - NOT the studio. In addition, I love to use natural light for these shoots. And the focus, is all on you. Not your guests, not what is going on with the florist, etc. It allows you to relax and focus on getting great images.

So, regardless of who you choose as a photographer, carefully consider the benefits of the bridal shoot. Also, browse through our blog to see some of our bridal shoot pictures. Hopefully, you will like what you see.



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